Roslyn Jackson - Principal Trainer
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Trainer / Facilitator
Roslyn started her own training company, Australian Capital Training Group Pty Ltd, in 1994 while working as an academic. The company has provided training for both the private and public sector and covered a vast range of accounting issues; from introductory accounting through to the professional qualifications with Chartered Accountants Australian New Zealand (CA ANZ).
She has developed and delivered training for a large number of Government agencies, at all levels of government, and has also partnered with other organisations to present training. Roslyn has extensive experience in international training, mostly to our Asia-Pacific neighbours. She has been responsible for the development and delivery of government financial training to the Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau and has worked in Zambia assisting the Central Government improve their government accounting.
Although Roslyn delivers training across many aspects of accounting, budgeting and financial management, she has specialised in the Australian Government's Financial Management framework since 2004.
In conjunction with the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and independently, Roslyn has been providing training to many company directors including the Boards of many Clubs within the ACT and other not-for-profit organisations. Her diverse training delivery requires Roslyn to be across both private and public sector reporting requirements and the international accounting standards.
Professional Practice
Roslyn is a Fellow Chartered Accountant and started her career in public practice. Roslyn specialised in accounting and taxation for the rural sector, working with large and small primary production businesses diversified across a large range of rural enterprises.
After moving to Canberra in 1994 to take up an academic position, she started provided consultancy and contract services to many government agencies, both the ACT Government and the Australian Government. She has worked with the Department of Finance as a budgeting specialist helping with the implementation of accrual accounting and zero based budgeting.
She currently provides financial assessment and consultancy services to a number of government departments and has acted as a member of advisory panels for the selection of commonwealth grant recipients.
Roslyn has also worked as a CFO for a public company and has held several Company Board positions in the past as well as Chairing a number of Audit and Risk Management committees.
University and TAFE Lecturer
Roslyn has worked as an Academic at the University of Canberra, the University of New England and the Armidale & District TAFE. Student groups ranged from undergraduate to post graduate students; internal and external students; accounting, management and rural science students; Australian and overseas students, and visiting business groups.
As an Academic she was responsible for the administration of student groups and the development of all course materials. Roslyn always worked with her students in order to help them achieve their goals.
At both the University of New England and the University of Canberra, Roslyn was instrumental in establishing a link between the accounting student body and the professional associations. Roslyn also implemented the first Young Australia Achievement Program at the University of Canberra.
Roslyn has also worked as a workshop facilitator and examiner for the professional qualifications with Chartered Accountants Autralia New Zealand (CA ANZ) and has been an assessor for the Institute of Public Administration Australia annual reports awards.
The Australian Capital Training Group is a specialised small business providing training in the area of accounting, financial management and budgeting. The company has provided training for both the private and public sector and covered a vast range of accounting issues from introductory accounting through to the professional qualifications with Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand (CA ANZ).